Конечно же всем интересно как там мой английский.)) Next examination, next level. I wrote that one and half hour. I'm very tired. It's my text without correcting. Aloha Tony! Aba kabar? I’m decided writing in a free style. On English, of course) I still live in Ubud. I’d make the new visa. I like Ubud, but now there a season of rain, as you know. Maybe on Bukit a *less rain. I hope it’s that. In Ubud a weather like as Saint-Petersburg now. Just a little warmer, and a birds singing. And so a local people, of course. They are like singing and to playing of gamelan. By the way. Do you make a KITAS? Do you live with each Sasha again? This question a little worred me. I believe what your wife to keep and safe your crazy mind. I guess you know himself. Ok. Get on. I write already more 2 positive and 2 interrogative sentences mostly using a present tenses. A bit of my life. A couple days ago I meet with interested local people. He was studied to local university in Java on philosophic faculty. It's strange, really? We where talking for an hour or more. It was nice opportunity for me to speak English. Today we’ll meet again. I like talking with different people, because this is improving my English. As a rule i’m understanding local people better. They are speaking easier. Sometimes I’m talking with my new neighbor from Ukraine. She was come to Bali around four years ago. She is speaking pretty good. I would say: “she speak really good”. It was actuality. But I have used “pretty”, that's why I was known recently about what this world mean. I was surprised. This is not similar of word beauty. I can say: i’m pretty good”. It doesn't mean what i handsome. Of course, i’m handsome. But this world have a little different mean. How you France language? How often where you speaking on France? How where we traveling in Lombok with Sasha last month?

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